Monday, October 22, 2012

Stormy Soul and Foul-Weather Moods

I don't know what in the world is wrong with me these days, but it seems like every last thing gets on my nerves and makes me grumpy.  You name it, it annoys me:

People who drive waaaaaay below the speed limit, who won't use their turn signals and who don't pay attention because they are on their darned cell phones.

People who talk on their cell phones inside public places.  Like we want to hear their mundane conversations while grocery shopping, or standing in line, or in a bathroom stall.  What did we used to do before we had stupid cell phones?  I know for one, there was a lot more peace and quiet in the world!

Cell phones.

Rudeness, inconsiderate people, people that talk too much, people that interrupt.  People that ask the same questions because they weren't paying attention the first time you told them.

Dogs barking (and barking and barking and barking)

Unruly children. 

Gum smacking and people that chew with their mouths open.

Voice Mail and Caller ID.

Talking to someone who has onion breath.

Hazelnuts and Brazil nuts.

People that drive too close.  Go around me if you're in that big a hurry!  Hopefully there will be a cop hiding around the next bend and you'll get a ticket.

Gossipers that run their mouths about everyone else because their own lives are lacking somehow.

People that yell.

Litter on the sides of the roads.

Loud commercials on tv.

Computer problems and the technicians who can't seem to fix them.

And that's just today!  Here's hoping tomorrow is an uneventful and less grumpy day.  I want to get back to my cheerful and happy self.

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