Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Southern Ladies' Luncheon

Oh boy!  It's time for my bosses' wife to have her famous ladies' luncheon again and today is the day.  Our office is situated in the upstairs portion of their home, so all of the heavenly aromas from the kitchen waft up the stairs to tickle our noses.  It's pure torture, let me tell you!

The guests start to arrive and it's so hilarious to listen to everyone coming in the door.  Southern women's voices are so much fun to listen to, especially when you yourself are not originally from the South.  The accents and funny sayings that come out of their mouths are so endearing.  Listening to it all reminds me so much of my Oklahoma Grandma and the way she used to talk and carry on.  She always said the sweetest and funniest things.  Just listening to her speak with that sweet, southern twang would bring a smile to your face.

The arrivals have been a noisy hoot!  Everyone talking and exclaiming at once, finishing each other's sentences and laughing and carrying on.  All the ladies make their way into the kitchen where they load up their plates with a bountiful feast that Martha Stewart herself couldn't have prepared any better!  Turkey Divan, potatoes au gratin, green beans, corn casserole, pasta salad, jello salad, muffins and bread and two kinds of cake for dessert.  My heavens!

The house gets quieter as everyone makes their way into the dining room and starts eating their wonderful foods.  Afterward, while everyone sits there wondering why in the world they ate so much, they visit and catch up on who's who and what's what.  Then the departures begin, which are noisier by far than the arrivals.  Everyone hugs goodbye and thanks the gracious hostess for the fine feast and fellowship.

I hope she has time for a nap after all this commotion.  She sure deserves it!