Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Happy May Day

I remember when we were little girls, on May Day my sister and I used to make these little cone shaped baskets out of colored construction paper and we'd fill them with lilacs from the back yard and hang them on a favorite neighbor's front door.  We'd ring the bell and run off and hide, waiting for the surprised neighbor to find our May Day gift.  I wonder if kids still do this?  I've never found one on my front door on May Day.  Boo Hoo. . .


  1. Well, my goodness! I haven't been to your blog in awhile and you have some fantastic stories! I would most definitely share my lilacs on May Day if I had a lilac bush. They smell divine.

  2. Thank you Sweetie! I don't write in here as often as you do yours! xoxo
