Last night when I took Tubby out for his evening walk around the yard, I spotted the first firefly of the season! I treat the first firefly sighting like you do when you wish upon the first star in the night sky. You make a wish real quick and then hope it comes true before the summer's end.
I looked all around the yard, but this one single firefly was the only one flitting around, blinking his bottom on and off in the dark. I've heard this is how fireflies call their mates, by blinking on and off in the dark, so I imagined him flying around calling "Fiona! Where are you? It's me, Freddie, your long lost love!"
I sat on the porch steps and waited for Tubs to do his business, and thought about fireflies and where they went during the colder months and how was it they knew when to come back? And what makes their rear ends light up like that? They are so fascinating and magical and when they cover the lawn and trees and bushes, they look like tiny, bright twinkle lights.
Summer must be coming early this year and I can't wait for Freddie to find Fiona and all the other fireflies to come out and dance in our yard!
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