Because it's been so dang hot and we haven't had much rain, we've been having to run the sprinkler in the yard every other night when we get home. Our water bill doubled last month but that's a small price to pay considering how much we spent on flowers this year! We have to do what we can to keep them alive and beautiful. It's amazing how a little water perks them up and makes the grass so green.
We have one of those old fashioned sprinklers that has several different settings and the water fans out back and forth across the lawn. Ours seems like it's on its last leg because I set it a certain way and it has a mind of its own and does something totally opposite. It takes forever for me to get it just right and even then, sometimes I look out the window and see that it's changed on its own again.
Last night as I was setting it, it sprung a leak on one end and squirted me right in the face. I tried to tighten the nozzle to stop the leak, but that just made it worse and it squirted me in the face and head again. I gave up on that, then set it on a half-way setting and laid it on the grass, then made the mistake of turning my back on it to pull a few weeds in the opposite flowerbeds. Sure enough, that pesky sprinkler changed its setting to side-to-side and got my whole backside wet with ice cold water! I sucked in air and jumped up and turned around just when it was making another swipe and perfectly timed for it to get my whole front wet as well.
By this time, I was dripping wet with mascara blackening both eyes and my hair hanging in streaming cords down my face, so I figured what the heck! This cold water actually feels pretty good on this stifling hot day! So, I kicked off my sandals and reverted back to my childhood days and jumped over the sprinkler with a high-pitched squeal! I'd forgotten how much fun this could be! It made me think of days gone by when my Sister and I donned our bathing suits and ran back and forth through the sprinkler for hours on end. Our suit bottoms were droopy wet and our feet looked like grass-covered prunes, but our smiles were wide and our giggles and laughter filled the air!
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