This year our yard has just about done us in. Next time we buy a house, it's going to have a teeny, tiny postage-stamp size yard that won't require so much maintenance! It didn't help that our Spring was so unusually wet this year. It rained and poured like a monsoon practically every weekend and we barely had a chance to plant a few flats of flowers before BOOM! June arrived and it was so stifling hot and miserable that we couldn't seem to get motivated to venture out to do the rest.
By the end of June we couldn't put it off any longer. The weeds and shaggy flowerbeds just couldn't be ignored. So despite the 95 degree temperatures and unrelenting humidity, for two days we worked diligently clearing out the old mulch, weeding and edging the beds and walkway and emptying all the pots to make room for more flowers.
It took three trips into town to buy 55 bags of pine nugget bark, 30 bags of lava rock for the walkway, 15 bags of river rock and several flats of flowers. We huffed and puffed and heaved and ho'd until our muscles couldn't possibly take any more punishment and we were on the verge of heat stroke. I had a run-in with a mama lizard who had laid seven eggs in one of my pots. I stuck my hands down into the dirt and her head popped up and she scrambled up my arm and scared the peewiddly waddles out of me! I screamed and flung her across the lawn. Who knew I could run so fast at the end of a hard day!
Now the yard looks beautiful and our water bill is going to spike again trying to keep it that way. Oh the joys of curb appeal!
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