I can't believe it was a year ago yesterday that I got the surprise of my life when I walked out the back door and found a newborn donkey in our pasture! We didn't even know our sweet Clementine was pregnant! It was such a miraculous morning!
I'll never forget the absolute shock I experienced when I first saw her standing there on the hill next to her Mama! I was going out to feed that weekend morning and I only saw old Cooter (the Daddy) standing at the fence waiting for his breakfast. Usually, Clemmie would be standing right alongside him, but this time she was nowhere to be seen.
I banged the bucket on the fence and called out to her, but I couldn't see or hear her anywhere. I walked around to the other side of the barn and looked up the hill and there she stood under a tree and at first glance, I thought I saw our dog Jake standing right next to her. I knew instantly that didn't make sense because for one, Clemmie would NEVER let Jake get that close to her, and two, Jake was sitting right next to me in the grass! I looked again and when I saw Clemmie bend her head down to lick the tiny creature, I finally realized it was a baby donkey!
I instantly started squealing and ran excitedly into the house screaming for Sid. I could barely talk and I had already started hyperventilating! I'm sure I was jumping up and down, and I just kept yelling over and over "Clemmie had a baby! Clemmie had a baby!" I was just so shocked beyond belief!
I grabbed the phone and ran back outside and started calling everyone I could think of to tell them I was a Grandma! I called our closest neighbors, my Mom, my sister, my bosses. We even called the family that we got Cooter from when he was a baby and told them they were grandparents too! Everyone came to see our new addition on the Hollow!
Baby Chloe' was an instant celebrity! My husband was the first one to pet her and hold her in his arms. She was the tiniest thing and so precious. It was amazing that something so tiny and newly born was able to stand up and walk around on those wobbly little legs. I was so enamored with her and I never wanted to leave her side! I hugged her and squeezed her and pet her all over. She was so adorable and sweet.
A year later and she's still cute as a button. She's bigger now, and fuzzier and has all her teeth, and she hee haws louder than her Daddy does, but she'll always be our sweet baby girl!
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