I really don't have anything to compare it to, since we weren't blessed with actual children of our own, but I've come to the conclusion that Tubby is the chubby little "toddler" that God has given us and the things we experience with him seem very similar to those that I can imagine parents with a small child or baby would be experiencing.
For instance, I find that we can't leave the house without a package of baby wipes in my purse, a small towel that acts as a "bib" for his drool, a chew toy, which doubles as his "pacifier" when he gets cranky or sleepy, and a whole slew of other items you just HAVE to have on hand to keep him happy. And if he's not going with us, just like a child, you have to find a source of "doggie" day-care!
The house is a blur of activity from sun-up to sun-down and you're constantly tripping on toys and cleaning up after him 24/7. He demands your complete attention 99% of the time and he crawls all over you like a monkey when you're trying to sit and relax.
Like I assume a child his age has similar eating habits, you can be assured you'll be cleaning up a big mess when he's finished with his meal. I find kibbles of dog food in the strangest places, including the insides of my shoes! And heaven forbid if you leave anything that even remotely resembles a play-toy laying within reach, because it's going to get absconded with and chances are you won't be finding it when you really need it. Then one day you're searching the couch cushions for the hundredth time and there it is, wedged down between the pillows.
There are times for parental pride, when we take him for walks in town and everybody ooooh's and aaaah's about him as we pass by. They pat him on the head, rub under his chin, squish his cheeky jowls together and talk baby-talk to him, just like I've done to human babies I've seen while standing in line at the grocery store.
And when he's tuckered out after a long day and ready for bed, that's when he's an angel, crawling up into your lap to get his tummy and ears rubbed. Pretty soon his eyes get all droopy and his breathing turns into a soft, steady snore and he's out like a light. This parenthood thing is pretty cool.
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