Our middle donkey, Clementine, decided she was thirsty at the ungodly hour of 4:30 this morning! It wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't 16 degrees outside, but since it was, the water in the trough was frozen and she couldn't get a drink. So, Clemmie being Clemmie, in frustration bang-bang-banged her foot against the galvanized water trough and woke the whole dang neighborhood!
Reluctantly, up out of my nice warm bed I got and trudged out to the barn to stop all the racket. You'd have thought the world was coming to an end the way she was carrying on! Why was she even up this early? It was pitch black outside and the sun hadn't even begun to peek it's head up, yet here she was standing by the trough banging away with her foot.
I grabbed a shovel from the barn and broke the ice in the trough so she could get a drink. In the process, of course the other two donkeys woke up too and decided they were hungry, so they all three started bellowing for food. It's mornings like this that I regret the decision to ever have animals and live on a farm! Sheesh!
A few minutes later all three jackasses were chomping away on their breakfast, so I made my way back into the house and crawled back under my toasty warm electric blanket. I guess today I better go to the farm supply store and find a heater for the water so it won't freeze up again the rest of this Winter. I always say I'm going to buy one in the Spring and I never do. Knowing my luck, I've waited too long and they'll all be sold out.
Something makes me think I'll be answering the gong of the foot-banging donkey again tomorrow morning. Ugh!
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