I can't believe today is the last day of November. Where did the month go? Seems like just yesterday it was Halloween and I was carving my pumpkin on the front porch, and now Thanksgiving has already come and gone and tomorrow is the first day of December! Seems like the older I get, the faster time goes by. You blink and you miss a whole month!
The day after Thanksgiving I was already hearing Christmas carols on the radio and all along my route to work each morning, more and more houses are popping up covered with wreaths and ribbons, garland and bows and millions of blinking lights. Seems like all the neighbors along Main Street are competing for their spot in the latest issue of Country Living magazine as each one tries to out-do the other. It makes me feel kinda guilty that I have a whole closet full of unopened boxes of Christmas lights that we've never even used. We bought them one year when they were on 90% clearance the month after Christmas and thought for sure we'd light up the hollow the following Christmas, but for whatever reason, we never seem to get around to using them. I decorate the porch and mailbox every year, but that's about it. I'm not very adventurous, I guess. We have enough twinkle lights to wrap around all the trees, cover the roofs of both the house and barn, and light up all the bushes, but is sure seems like a lot of work to go through. Especially when you consider December will probably fly by just as fast as November did and before you know it, it's time to take it all down again. Too much work for me! Or should I say, too much work for Hubby, since he's the one that would be climbing up on the roof. I can understand how some folks leave their lights up all year long. I used to think they were lazy when I'd drive by in April and they still had them up, but now I'm beginning to realize how smart they really might be!
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