As I sit here and type today, it's snowing like crazy outside and I'm loving it! I hope it snows all day and all night and we get at least 10 feet of this beautiful white stuff! It's so magical.
It's amazing how a little snow can make everything so pretty and change your outlook on the day. I think snow brings out the kid in all of us. It makes me long for racing down a hill on a slick innertube, rosy cheeked and bundled up, laughing hard and squealing with delight. Then trudging back up the hill to do it all over again!
Or ice skating on a frozen pond, snowmobiling through the woods, skiing down a real honest-to-goodness mountain! All those things from our days in Oregon I miss so much.
Here in the South, we're lucky to even get a dusting of this beautiful white stuff, and even luckier if it lasts more than a couple hours before melting away. Barely enough snow to build a snowman most of the time.
I'm whispering in Old Man Winter's ear for an Oregon snow kind of weekend. I hope he grants my wish!
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