My neighbor's daughter Liz just got done being a contestant on last season's The Biggest Loser on NBC. She lost almost 100 pounds and was one of the final four contestants to survive elimination. Her partner on the show, Danny, was the ultimate winner.
Watching their grueling workouts on television didn't begin to give the viewer an inkling into what those poor contestants went through on a day-to-day basis. Their every waking minute of every single day was spent exercising extensively. According to Liz, they woke up at 5:30 every morning and walked 4-5 miles. Then they had breakfast and walked another 4-5 miles. After that, they went into the gym and worked out with two tyranical and torturous trainers for 3-4 hours. If they survived this, then they got to break for lunch, but how the poor souls even had the strength to lift a fork to their mouths, I don't know!
After lunch, it was back to the gym for another 3-4 hours of nonstop, sweat-drenching exercise. Treadmills, stairclimbers, weight lifting, rowing machines. You name it, they had to do it. I would have been long dead after the second five-mile walk earlier that morning! Release for dinner and then after that, a 5-7 mile walk before falling into bed. And I'm sure they literally FELL into bed. How did they manage to get up the next day?
It's no wonder they lost so much weight every week with this kind of daily routine. There's not enough time in a day for the average person to abide by this kind of extreme workout, especially if they have a job to work 8-10 hours a day too! Sheesh! I have no business complaining about my measly little exercise routine every day, that's for sure! As I huff and puff and sweat my way through it, I'll be thinking of Liz and all that she has accomplished (and continues to accomplish!). Way to go Liz! You're an inspiration to us all.
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