This morning on my way into work, I spotted clumps of daffodils already peeking their golden heads out in neighboring yards. I saw all the Canadian honkers on Tim McGraw's pond were already back too, which means we'll probably see some downy-headed goslings earlier than usual this year. My pansies are still blooming in my pots on the porch and haven't stopped since last Summer! I've never held onto them that long into another season. Our grass is still green and my donkeys haven't grown nearly as furry coats as they have in Winter's past. With all this warm rain we've been having, I wouldn't be surprised to see the early frogs and turtles playing in the mud puddles on the sides of the roads!
It's just not right! We should be having frost sparkling on the grass in the mornings and icicles hanging from the eaves. I want snow carpeting my yard and capping all the fence posts. Our dog Tubby just loves rolling around and dragging his belly across the snow. He'd stay out there and play for hours if we'd let him, but this year all we've had is one brief day with enough snow for him to get excited about, and later that same day it was all melted away.
Come on Old Man Winter! Please grace us with your arctic presence and bless us with some snowy white wonder. Puff up those billowy cheeks of yours and blow some glacial winds our way! Turn this rain into big, fluffy, magical snowflakes falling down all around us so we can put on our warm coats, hats and fuzzy scarves and gloves and enjoy all that Winter is supposed to be!
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