In one of my very first blog stories, I referred to someone as a "redneck." I've been informed that the term I should have used was "old school country", and I beg forgiveness because I truly never meant to use the word redneck as a derogatory description of this warm-hearted man I was writing the story about.
I, Queen of the Tenderhearted, never meant to hurt anyone's feelings and it just makes me cringe to think I might have even remotely hurt someone's feelings by calling them a redneck. So, I'm sorry and I'll try to be more careful in the future when describing people in my silly stories.
If anyone that hails from the South wants to refer to me as a "Damn Yankee", then please feel free, although I would like to point out that technically Oregon didn't have a thing to do with the Civil War (at least not that I know of), therefore I couldn't really be considered a Yankee. According to Wikpedia though, a Yankee is "someone from the North who comes to the South for a visit and then goes back. A Damn Yankee is someone from the North who comes to the South and stays!" It goes on to say that "Southerners assert that Yankees are loud, verbally aggressive, arrogant without reason, denigrating, ignorant, demanding, xenophobic (I don't know what the heck that means!) and possess no class or character."
I can honestly say that I am none of those things, with the exception of "ignorant" in that I carelessly referred to someone I have come to love and cherish as a friend, as a redneck. Please forgive me!
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