Last night, hubby built a fire out back and we had our dinner under the stars. I baked some chicken and made au gratin potatoes, sweet peas (his favorite, but not mine!) and jalapeno cornbread and it was the prettiest night for stargazing. After we finished eating, we just leaned back in our chairs and watched the skies. We saw several airplanes criss-crossing with their blinking lights and Sid saw the first falling star of the night, streak across the sky. It was behind me and I was so disappointed that I didn't get to see it too. We kept watching though, and visiting, telling each other stories about our day and listening to the crickets chirp and all the other night sounds you hear when you live so far out in the boonies. Then, all of a sudden, we both watched as another falling star streaked across the sky right above us! I squealed with delight and was so excited to see it that I forgot to make a wish!
Later, as we loaded up our dishes to go back inside, we heard the distant howl of a coyote. We hear him often at night and he usually howls three or four times, then a few minutes later you'll hear the whole pack come crying down the hillside. It's such an eerie sound with their yelps and sharp cries echoing down the hill. Sends chills up your spine to hear them and know they are so close.
It sure was a nice night, and I'm so glad it's becoming Fall again so we can enjoy the outdoors like that.
This is your boss! Nice fire! It would be great tonight, nice and chilly! That groundhog needs to be shot - does Sid need some help? You know it is opening day of deer season tomorrow!!