I hung up the phone and gave Sid the scoop and he pulled on some jeans and his boots and headed out the back door. A few minutes later, here he came around the corner of the house with a shotgun in one hand and a baseball bat in the other and when he saw the look of horror on my face, he raised both arms up in the air and let out an evil roar! OH MY GOSH! I called my sweet friend and told her he was on his way, armed with heavy arsenal, and she worriedly said, "Oh no, my poor chicken!" and you could tell she was already having second thoughts. I told her maybe we should just put the chicken in a sack and wring its neck, but she said no, she wanted him to put a sock over its head and chop it off! Lord have mercy! I'm sure glad I had to go to work. . .
As I pulled out of the driveway, my husband flagged me down. "Are my sunglasses in your truck?" he asked. I handed them to him and as he put them on he said, "I don't want those chickens recognizing me, in case I have to go up there again some time." What a dork!
A half hour or so later, my husband called me at work and he was laughing so hard I could hardly understand a word he was saying. He said when he got up there to our neighbor's house, she decided to go ahead and let him shoot the chicken so he followed her out to the barnyard and asked which one he was supposed to shoot. He said she pointed to a chicken and said, "That one there!" and KABOOOOOOM!!! he shot the chicken! Then she screamed, "Oh no, not that one, THAT one!" and pointed to another one and KABOOOOOOM!! again. Another chicken dead! I said, "Oh no, you killed TWO of her chickens!?" and he said "Yes, and she sure seemed upset about it!" I told him she'd never call him for help again! He told me I better call her to make sure she was okay, so I hung up and dialed her number.
When she answered, I said "What happened? I'm so sorry!" Turned out Sid was pulling my leg and he didn't really kill ANY of her chickens, including the injured one! Once he got up there, it was running all around with the other chickens and seemed to be okay, even though it only had one eye, so they decided to just let it be. Sid told her to get an eye patch for it and name it Captain Morgan. Good grief!
So, that's how our morning started off today on the hollow. Never a dull moment around our place, especially with my silly husband! Sheesh!
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