I've said it before, and I'll say it again. . . My husband is a nut! Every day he comes up with a new way to make me laugh. He's got this new hair-brained idea to play a trick on the three neighbor ladies that walk up and down our road every morning.
Now that the pears are starting to ripen and fall into the yard, the ladies have started stopping to pick up as many as they can carry when they pass our house. The other morning we had the front door open as we puttered around the house getting ready for work, and when the ladies stopped in the yard, Tubby spotted them and busted out the screen door and down the steps to greet them. They all three stood frozen in their tracks with their mouths wide open when they saw him come flying out of the house. He jumped all over them, drooling hello in his own special way, until Sid rescued them from his slobbery assault.
When he came back in the house, he was hit with the idea for the trick he's going to play on the pear-thieving bunch. He's going to pick a week and one day he's going to toss some fat, bright red apples out in the lawn among the pears. Then the next day, he's going to put a few oranges out there. The final day, he's going to lay out a couple coconuts. His hope is that he'll be able to hide somewhere and video tape the ladies' reaction as they find these odd fallen fruits in our yard, and then the last day he'll hop out and laugh his infectious silly laugh as the jokester is revealed!
I guess I have to admit it is a good idea and it could be pretty funny to watch the expressions on their faces as they bend down to pick up an apple or an orange, and then as they look around for the tree it might have fallen from. Even better will be the day they find the coconuts with no palm trees in sight!
How does he ever think up these things? But how glad I am that he does! Never a dull moment at our house, that's for sure!
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