This morning I was having the most wonderful dream! I hated to even wake up, I just wanted it to go on forever and ever. In the dream, my Mom and I were at the most fantastic yard sale and we were the only two people there, so we were loading up with all sorts of fantastic bargains! Mom had a big pile of treasures set aside for herself and I had an armload of things I just couldn't bear to live without! My most treasured item was a set of two antique stained glass windows in perfect condition, and for only $12 for the pair! Unheard of! Believe me, I know, because I have an assortment of vintage stained glass windows that I've collected over the years and I NEVER found one for that cheap!
When I woke up this morning, and all throughout the day, all I've been thinking about is yard sales! It's getting to be that time of year for all the signs to start popping up and I can't wait! I've got butterflies of excitement in my tummy already, just anticipating the thrill of the hunt and the exhilaration of that special find! Lord knows I don't need a single thing, and our house is already bursting at the seams with this and that, but I just can't help myself. I'm a descendant from a long line of packrats and whether I need it or not, I just HAVE to have it, whatever it might be!
My husband won't admit to it, but I've got him hooked on yard saling too! Sometimes he has more fun than I do and he's got a good eye for a bargain! He surprises me with all kinds of neat things, like beautiful oriental rugs, lamps, furniture and nick nacks. He'll hit a yard sale on a Friday while I'm at work and when I get home he's like a kid at Christmas waiting for me to see what he's found.
When I was younger, I used to think I wanted to be a real life, honest to goodness treasure hunter when I grew up. Like an archaeologist digging in the desert for some long lost civilization, or an oceanographer diving for a sunken cache of gold and trinkets. Even now I dream of becoming a salvager, buying up old houses and searching inside for hidden contents tucked away in attics or basements, or hidden inside walls or under floorboards. How much fun would that be! The archeology dream lost its lustre when I found out how much schooling was involved, and I cured myself of wanting to become an oceanographer at age 12 when we went to Hawaii and I went snorkeling for the first time and realized I was claustrophobic! And unless I somehow come into a fat bank roll to finance the buying up of old houses, I guess my salvage dream will have to be put on hold too.
So, that leaves me with the yard saling! With $20 in my pocket, who knows what I might find on a Saturday morning! Look out, here I come!
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