As my family can well attest to, I am the world's craziest dreamer! I could write best-selling fiction novels and script award-winning movies and television shows with some of the dreams I have! They are always so vivid and unbelievable.
I was telling my Mom and Sister about one wacky dream I had last night, and Mom said "Girl, you could write a book just on your dreams alone!" so I thought I'd blog about it instead. And before I get started, no, I did not eat chocolate before bed last night! (Chocolate can make me have some super extravagant dreams, for sure!)
Anyway, last night I dreamed I had a big booth in an antique mall, and in my booth I had this old Victorian wicker baby carriage for sale. It was white and very ornate and I'd had it for sale for a long time with no takers. I was only asking $125 for it, and that was a steal! Well, I was working in my booth, straightening things up and dusting, and this old man came up to me. He was from Transylvania or Romania or something because he had that kind of "Count Dracula from Sesame Street" kind of accent. He was a dealer in the mall too, but he really creeped me out.
He came up to me and said "I av somsing very impor-tant to show you. Come vith me." and he led me over to my antique baby carriage. He said "Look here." and pointed one of his gnarly old fingers at this little glass dome in the middle of the handle to the baby carriage. I assumed the dome housed the mechanism to steer the baby carriage left or right, but he told me that sometimes, that little glass dome housed something "very special."
He asked me if he could take it apart and see if what he suspected was true. I told him sure, no problem, and then I went about my business while he carefully took the dome off the baby carriage. Awhile later, he came to me and tapped me on the shoulder and very dramatically said, "Behold! It is true and I av found it!" He handed me this beautiful solid gold pin with a big stone of some sort in the center, encircled with gorgeous pearls. I was totally shocked! The gold was brilliantly polished and the stone was shining so brightly, as if it had never seen the light of day. It was totally untarnished. He told me it was worth hundreds of thousands of dollars! I was so excited and despite his creepiness, I just hugged him and thanked him over and over.
Wierd, huh? I sure have some doozy dreams! Then, the rest of my dream carried on with ghosts and children that could see ghosts, and me and the children chasing the ghosts up and down a staircase in an old Victorian house.
Me and hubby are going to a big antique auction tomorrow, so you can bet if they have any ornate baby carriages for sale, I'm going to be bidding on them for sure!