Last night was supposed to be a nice, pleasant evening of shopping for me after work. I had my list all made up of the items I needed and where I needed to go to find them all, so at 5:00 I was out the door and on my way! I should have known things never go as planned.
First stop I struck out on a particular Valentine gift I had planned for my sweet husband. No luck, completely sold out and they wouldn't be getting any more in before the holiday. Darn. Next stop, same story. Double darn! So now I sat in the parking lot, adjusting my list.
A detour across town for a birthday gift for my Daddy turned out the same results. Nope, sorry, we don't have it. Another adjustment to my list and a zig zag across town in a different direction, only to find the same story at two more shops! Arrrrgggghhhh! I didn't have this much trouble at Christmas! Sheesh! Another adjustment to my list and off I went to another store.
As I arrived at what seemed like the fifteenth store already, snow started falling out of the sky like big fluffy balls of cotton! Oh goodie, I thought. How pretty. And it was really coming down hard. I grabbed my umbrella and ran into the mall for the last few items on my list.
Two hours later, after I'd walked my little legs off and had surely worn holes in the bottom of my boots, I emerged from the mall laden down with my Valentine/Birthday loot. As I walked out the door, I was shocked to see white stuff everywhere! Thick, fluffy snow was covering every car, bush and tree! The entire parking lot was covered and I suddenly realized I was in BIG TROUBLE MISTER!
Klutz that I am, I sloooooowly walked to the car, hoping all the way that I wouldn't slip and fall and embarrass myself. Then once I was safe at the car I thought to myself, "How in the world are you going to get home? You can't drive in this stuff!" I strapped myself in, said a few prayers, turned off the stereo and backed myself out of my parking spot. Just getting out of the lot proved to be a hair raising experience. I was slipping and sliding all over the place, "Oh Lord!" this and "OHMYGOSH!" that, the whole way. Out on the roads I was white-knuckling it, going 10 miles per hour and praying over and over again, "Please Lord, don't let some yayhoo run me over or pull out in front of me!"
At this point, I figured I better bite the bullet and call home for help. After an ear blistering tongue lashing from you-know-who, it was agreed I should try and get myself to the office and stay put until he came to my rescue. Whew! I was halfway there, so I knew I could make it. Besides, I was practically the only idiot on the roads, so I didn't think I had anything to worry about. Thank God for husbands with four-wheel drive!
Once I was safely at my office, I was able to enjoy the beauty of the snow and relax. I took a few photos and stood on the front porch and watched the flakes flying through the air. At this rate, I thought, surely we'll have 10 feet by morning! An hour and six phone calls later, my sweet Sid finally pulled into the drive. "You would have never made it!" he kept repeating, over and over. It took us another hour to make our way home and we passed several cars and trucks in the ditches along the way.
The forecast today is 80% chance of snow all day, and I'm 100% sure it's already started as I sit here and type this, watching it come down like goose feathers out my window! Oh boy, here we go again!